Tips, Tricks and Hints

Our full library of tips and tricks that will make you look like a legend is at

Compare two (near) identical Word files, without going insane

Of course, in a modern cloud world, this shouldn’t happen! We should share a link to a file and use versions to maintain it’s history.  But we’re not in a perfect work, and we often get multiple people updating copies of the same file.  Its all good until we have to...

9 Common Excel Mistakes

We were reminded of the risks of messing up spreadsheets in a recent blog post at Oracle: The scary fact they quote is that 88% of all spreadsheets are wrong! The consequences of relying on bad information as a result can be insane! That reminded me of a couple of...

Have you noticed the new Office search?

Have you noticed the new Office search?

We love that Office365 keeps improving.  One of the most common challenges we all have is finding things. So, if this resonates for you,  the new search feature might be just what you need. [header2 text="Microsoft Search in Office" align="left" color="#336A40"...

When words fail you

When words fail you

If you are like me, sometimes you don't know the right words to type into the "help" search. Lucky for us, Office is keen to help. [wow_colorme]Have you ever noticed the 'Tell me what you want to do' item on the menu bar?[/wow_colorme] [wow_spacing size="20px"] It's...

Does OneDrive make the cloud work for you?

Does OneDrive make the cloud work for you?

Microsoft's geek-fest is called Ignite and we've been following it from afar. It was a OneDrive announcement that caught our eye today.  With lots of choice, and ingrained user habits, everyone has their favourite cloud sync tool. There's an innovation race to be the...

Changes to the Microsoft Office Ribbon (again!) for Office 365

Changes to the Microsoft Office Ribbon (again!) for Office 365

Microsoft love tweaking the Office ribbon bar. I’m never sure if it's an improvement or not, and that’s certainly the case now.  It is probably a personal preference. Actually, this time it’s not a replacement, although it may look that way – it’s a simplification...

Keeping up with One Note

Keeping up with One Note

I reckon that OneNote's being used by about a third of the people I see in meetings.  And that means that about two-thirds of people are missing out! I've been a big OneNote fan for ages because OneNote conquered my personal chaos of unstructured notes and paper...

Keeping up with Microsoft Office updates

Keeping up with Microsoft Office updates

[header2 text="How do you keep up with Office updates?" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] If you have Office 365, then you have the latest version.  Office updates monthly with new features – but are you USING them?  Office gets smarter every month, but are...

New cool stuff in your Office 365

New cool stuff in your Office 365

[header2 text="New stuff, all the time" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] Microsoft are continually updating Office 365 with awesome new tools and more efficient ways of working.  Keeping up with these and learning how to use them is a big challenge, which is...