Even chatGPT gets cyber-security!

by | Apr 22, 2023 | News, Security

When I asked chatGPT for a poem about cyber-security, here’s what it said: (wish I could be as original!)

In the land of Aotearoa, where the kauri trees grow tall,

Cybersecurity is vital, we must protect our digital all.

Patching our systems is the first line of defense,

To keep our data safe, and prevent any cyber offense.


Complex passwords and MFA are the next steps in line,

To keep our accounts secure, and our data hard to find.

We must be diligent, and check links before we click,

To avoid any malicious attack, and stay cyber-slick.


EDR is also crucial, to monitor our systems day and night,

It can detect any malicious activity and put up a fight.

With EDR by our side, we can rest easy and know,

Our systems are protected from any cyber foe.


So let’s take cybersecurity seriously in our beautiful land,

And protect our digital assets, our data and demand.

By patching, complex passwords, MFA, EDR, and care,

We can keep our cyber-space safe, and our businesses rare.

But if you’re feeling lazy or cheap,

And you don’t want to invest or take a leap,

Just leave your network open and free,

And watch the hackers dance with glee.


For they’ll come in and steal your files,

And leave you with a mess and lots of denials,

And then you’ll realize, with a sinking feeling,

That cybersecurity is no joke, no stealing!