Tips, Tricks and Hints

Our full library of tips and tricks that will make you look like a legend is at

No excuses for ugly PowerPoint slides

Add a design eye to give some pizzazz to your PowerPoint Not everyone has an eye for design – particularly when it comes to PowerPoint. Now you can get PowerPoint to design your slides for you. 1.  Add the text and content you wish to display on your slide.  The...

Sensing your office Vibe

Sensing your office Vibe

As Kinetics had grown, our ability to understand what everyone in the team is feeling or thinking has diminished.  The distance that growth brings between staff and managers creates doubts and misunderstandings that can be hard to see.  More and more we have...

Microsoft Office competency testing

Microsoft Office competency testing

[header2 text=" How do you know your staff skill level with Microsoft Office? " align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""]   Measuring the productivity of chickens is easy … you just count the eggs. Measuring productivity of those using Microsoft Office is much...

Reduce email clutter…

Reduce email clutter…

[header2 text=" Reduce email clutter and improve communication with Microsoft Teams" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] Microsoft have introduced ‘Teams’ into Office365.  It is a new application that’s included in most commercial Office365 plans. The concept...

Office365 Updates

Office365 Updates

There's nothing like seeing the computer display hall at MOTAT to be reminded of how much things change and how quickly.  One of the sayings I heard late last year was that never in history has business has never changed faster than  now, and yet it will never change...

Create Keyboard Shortcuts for the iPad and iPhone (iOS 7)

It’s getting easier to enter text on mobile devices but there are times when you quickly need to enter a few words or phrase you use often. For example, how many times have you needed to tell someone “On my way”? Once you’ve tried keyboard shortcuts in iPad you’ll...